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What is a Witch?

If you type ‘witch’ into a search engine, you get the definition:

A witch (from Old English wicce f. / wicca m.) is a practitioner of witchcraft. Traditionally, "witchcraft" means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others, and this remains the most common and widespread meaning.’ (source - Wikipedia) 


What a load of rubbish!


For me, being a witch is about journeying beyond the five senses, aligning with nature, Mother Earth and her cycles, gaining ancient knowledge from trees, healing from plants and flowers, comfort from animals, guidance from the stars and planets, energy from the sun and our rhythm from the moon. This is how we intuit timings to cast spells, do certain kinds of divination, perform rituals for healing, and manifest our deepest desires.  


A witch is the embodied practice of alchemy.  


Image by Annie Spratt

Which Witch?

There seems to be so many different labels witches use, green witch, eclectic witch, white witch, sea witch, lunar witch, crystal witch, elemental witch. The list really is long, and I will have definitely missed a few here. A hedge witch is the one which I feel I fit into most, also, green witch, but green, natural witchery is a huge part of being a hedge witch.  


Hedge witchery is absolutely eclectic, but eclectic witches may not all be hedge witches! Confused yet? 


In days gone by hedge witches were the old ladies that lived on the edge of society, along the fringe of communities beyond the hedgerows where they could be found foraging for herbs and flowers to make their brews and tinctures. 


They would often, not always, be hereditary witches learning the craft – the old ways - from their mothers or grandmothers. They would be the ones you turned to for a blend of teas or a balm to heal your ailments, or maybe a little pick-me-up from their carefully cultivated gardens.


Hedge witches normally always work alone as a solitary witch, and this is what really differs from an eclectic witch who may or may not work as part of a coven.  


As a hedge witch I tend to incorporate magic into my daily life, my home is the centre of my life and is filled with magic, it truly is my sacred space and I trust it to protect my family and myself. I say good morning to her each morning and thank her for protecting us and keeping us overnight. 


We grow plants and herbs in our garden, the wood my husband uses to craft magical tools comes from our trees, always gathered in a respectful manner, as does much of the fruit we eat, and we care for the garden like a friend. I have sacred spaces outdoors, there is a section complete with offerings for the fairies and lots of food, water and refuge for wildlife.  


Intention is always at the forefront of my magic, whether that is cleansing, protecting, connecting or asking for a little extra help to achieve something. I try always to act for the greater good and without the influence of my ego but I’m no saint and yes, I sometimes make mistakes which I realise after the event that perhaps I was trying to manifest something that wasn’t entirely for the greater good! We are all constantly still learning though. 

A hedge witch is highly influenced by folk magic, living intentionally through the seasons and celebrating the turns of the Wheel of the Year.  


I start my day by infusing as much love as possible into my little dog’s breakfast, greeting and thanking our home, and stirring a little love and intention into my morning coffee. I end it with gratitude for the day, forgiving anything that may have gone unexpectedly wrong, and asking for blessing to keep us safe overnight. Practicing candle magic, seeking guidance through divination, blending herbs, teas and tinctures, giving and receiving healing from crystals, learning our craft, communing with and immersing ourselves in nature are all things we fit into the days in between.  


It’s not all magic and herbs though, I spend a lot of time on Instagram, I watch EastEnders and I love to visit coffee shops for a latte and a cake.  

The key for me is balancing magical life and mundane life, as above, so below! 

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