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The Power of Magic

If for me, being a witch is about living a life aligned with nature, with the elements, being authentically, unapologetically myself, hoping to heal, help and care for living souls and seeing beyond the mundane, then magic is the counterpart and cornerstone of all that. Is magic the intent behind it, or the determination to see around the blocks which the mundanities of life try to blind you with?


Or is magic just that, a force which we don’t really understand so give it that name, just magic? 

Without wanting to sound corny, but I fear I will, magic is everywhere if you open up and remind yourself see and feel it. That on the longest darkest nights the sun still rises, and that the trees are able to transform their summer finery into autumn splendour, just to let it all die away – letting go to preserve their energy and lifeblood only to restart that journey each spring, that’s where magic lives. 

It’s the snowdrops and crocuses bursting through the frozen ground each winter to gently whisper that spring is on her way.  

It’s when the fox you’ve been feeding feels enough trust in what they know can be a cruel world, to bring its cubs to your doorstep and introduce them, knowing your offer only kindness. 

It’s the strength of love that a simple look passing between two living souls can hold, and the old man who visits his wife-of-fifty-years' grave each morning to have a little chat with her.  

Magic is love, and love is always magic. 

It’s acts of kindness, and the happy feeling that doing something good for someone with no expectation of return brings. 

Magic is the feeling of coming home each lunar month when I first catch a glimpse of the new crescent moon, seeing it with newness and wonder like it’s the first time I’ve ever set eyes on it. 

It’s knowing deep down that there is something out there, infinite and encompassingly bigger than us, and having the faith and trust to hand control over to that, and ask ‘guide me, please?’. 

It’s in the synchronicities that appear, each time a subtle wink that says, ‘we’re here, you’re doing okay.’ 

So, maybe that’s just it, my only explanation of magic, it’s in everything if you remember to feel. 

Magic vs Magick

I will also just give a brief explanation about magick vs magic.

I will refer to magic just as that, without the ‘k’ which was added when Aleister Crowley ((1875-1947) founded the religion of Thelema.) started using the word "magick" and gave several reasons why. The most often mentioned reason is to differentiate what he was doing from stage magic. (Information from 

Personally, I find it’s unnecessary, I have absolutely nothing against the spelling per se, I just don’t feel the need to spell it that way, I know which magic I’m referring to as I’ve never pulled a rabbit from a hat, so here we’ll just spell it normally, right? 

Image by Michael Krahn

Ways to Incorporate Magic into your Daily Life 

Being a witch, leading a spiritual life, however you define your lifestyle, is more about your mindset than it is about spellcasting or using ‘practical’ magic daily. To me, all magic is practical, but we don’t have to whip our cauldrons out every evening for this. 


When I first talk to someone about being a witch, normally the very first question that comes up, is ‘How do you incorporate this into your daily life?’   

It’s always good to start off having a small sacred space, somewhere you can feel connected and calm. It doesn’t have to be anything special, just a small corner of your bedroom or living area that can just be for you to be alone. Somewhere to light a candle, take some grounding breaths and have as a sacred area to yourself. Decorate it with small items that bring you joy and make you feel special.  

Make time to meditate each day (use your sacred space for this), whether that’s first thing in the morning or where you have a quiet ten minutes you can schedule for yourself. I light a white candle which I use to signify I am there, I am present, this is my light of protection to help my hold that small space of time for myself. Whether you spend this time in meditation or reflection, it will still help you still your mind and be that space to let the light in. 

Creating a Ritual

Try pulling an oracle or tarot card with your meditation, you’ve just made it a ritual!

Use that card to ask what energy you can focus on through the day, ask a question that has been on your mind through your meditation or reflection, or simply ask for a message for the day ahead.  

Adding five minutes to journal on top of lighting your candle and pulling a card can becomes a really effective ritual, but if you can’t spare that extra time without it impacting on the rest of your day, that’s fine too! Start small, on the days you can, build a bigger ritual, when you can’t - don’t beat yourself up.

These acts or rituals will soon become a normal practice and that is so effective for helping soothe an anxious mind, to know when that time to yourself, time to offload and reconnect with yourself is coming.  

Image by Ethan Dow

Connecting with the Elements


When you’re in the shower in the morning, visualise the water cleansing you energetically. Hold your arms above your head and imagine the water running down you, washing away the old, stagnant energy as it flows down the drain. Ask that the water strengthens your intuition through the day and brings steadiness to your emotions.  


You could add a salt scrub to your shower. Salt also represents earth energy, so use this for grounding.

You could also try this: visualise your feet planted deep down in the ground, roots spreading from them reaching far beneath the earth’s surface. Holding you balanced and steady. Imagine a big old oak tree behind you for you to lean into strength and stability (something I do often throughout the day). 


When you have your morning coffee, use the heat of it to represent fire energy (add cinnamon to it for luck and abundance!). Stir in the intention and asking for it to give you energy, bring fire to your creativity and motivation to your day.

Use some motivational visualisations while sipping your morning coffee. 

I like to visualise I'm wearing a crown of beautiful botanicals on an Oak throne (but I am a Leo!).


Connect with the element of air to help with your decision making by speaking your affirmations aloud. 

Today I am in control.  

I will take a deep breath before I answer a question to give me time to consider my response.  

I am calm, I am safe, I am connected. 


Connect with the spirit element.

Be grateful that you’re awake, alive, supported and guided.

It’s nice to say good morning to your spirit team, thank them in advance for their guidance and support throughout the coming day. 

Recognising the Ebb and Flow 

As much as we are connected to something higher, something bigger than us, we don’t always consciously recognise this. Sometimes when life is throwing lessons at us that are making our path feel difficult, it’s easy to feel alone and that no-one is helping us, that we have lost our connection. This is never the case, it’s just that when things are so tough the mundanities of our earthly feelings, the fears of our ego shout louder and it’s hard to hear our soul whispering to us that all will be okay. These are the times we can feel blind in recognising the signs we are being given and the help offered. 

While we are constantly, often subconsciously, connected with the universe we are often less connected with ourselves. We can move through life on an autopilot of stress, anxiety, commitments of family, friends, work and external worries rarely checking in to make sure that we are also being supported. It can often feel selfish to take that time for yourself for self-care and relaxation, I’ve heard too many times the guilt that taking time out can bring, and this is down to self-limitations and conditioning that should never be there. Work through this, time for self-care is your birthright. You are the one soul you owe your time to, I’m positive that if you’re a parent you already give your children enough time! As with partners, parents, work etc. Taking time for yourself will only make you stronger to be there in all your other roles with a much lesser risk of burnout.  

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