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Connecting by Journaling 
and Affirmations

Plant trailing across notebook

“Journaling is mindfulness in motion,”

says Lisann Valentin, a Shamanic life coach.


It shines a spotlight on the invaluable things in your life that you might not always recognize.

Empty cup on a table with notebook and a flower

Uncover your Magic With Journaling

If someone were to ask me what the best way was to help themselves connect, journalling would be second only to meditation, and probably I’d say to be used in conjunction.  


Journaling is a way to reach the subconscious. Often when we sit down to write, we begin writing what we know we want to say and find ourselves veering completely off topic, letting our anger, fear, concerns and other thoughts or emotions that have been sitting under our conscious radar slip through.

This works as a release as much as making us aware of situations lying hidden under the surface, and you may often find yourself feeling lighter and more positive after the realisation of what you are holding onto has hit home.


By releasing and organising your thoughts you can begin to process them, you may also come up with your own answer to the problem as you are writing, or at least the solution you would like. This will free up the room to be able to connect to your higher self and let your magic shine through.


Making time for journaling as part of your everyday magical practice can open up a whole new perspective for you, making that time to spend with yourself and delving deeper into who you really are and what you truly desire to live an aligned, magical life.


It doesn’t matter whether this is in the morning before you start your day, if you have a break mid-afternoon or reflecting on the day at a time in the evening. 

If you have an issue that’s troubling you, you can start by writing your challenges or concerns, then progressing to the outcome you would like and how you want to get there, breaking down those steps – often starting at the end outcome and working backwards to where you are, is really beneficial.  


A gratitude journal can be the best place to start if you find yourself struggling. Just writing three or four things a day that you’re grateful for, from the smallest thing that’s brought you joy to the big things can uplift you. 

"I am grateful for..."

Person in woods with arms open embracing the sun

Awaken Your Magic

Simple Morning Prompts

How am I feeling today? How would I like to feel today? What steps can I take to get that feeling? 


One of the best things about being me is: (and why?) 


What action can I take today to put me on the right path to achieving my goals? 


The thing I look forward to the most each day is? What am I looking forward to today? 


One reason to smile today is? 


How can I make someone else smile today? 


A skill or talent I have and how it makes me feel? 


Three things that make me happy?  


What do I wear that makes me feel happy and confident? 


The best way to start my day is? 


What do I hope to achieve today? 


How can I make today a good day?

The Path To Your Soul

Self-Discovery Prompts 

A time when I achieved something I thought was impossible was? 


Where is fear holding me back? (career, home life, dream life, relationships?) 


Who is someone who has helped me grow as a person, and why? 


What do I do that brings me the most joy? 


What person brings joy into my life? (this can be human or animal!) How do they make me feel? 


A time I learned a valuable lesson was? How did it help me to grow? 


A moment I have helped someone and how it made me feel? 


My favourite personal quality about myself is? What are the qualities am I attracted to in a friend/relationship? 


How I see a life of freedom and happiness with no fears, worries or negative thoughts? 


My favourite self-care acts are? When did I last do them? When can I schedule a date with myself to do them? 


What do I feel my bigger picture is? The one thing I was born to do? 

How Do You Feel?

Evening Prompts

How am I feeling today? 


Two things that made me smile today and why? 


Today was a good day because? (three things!) 


Today had its challenges because? How can I learn from them? 


What lessons have I learned today or recently?  


What can I release and how will this help me reach my goals? 


What have I accomplished that I was putting off? How did it make me feel? 


A time I felt most proud of myself was? A time when I felt proud of someone else? 


Times I feel the most calm and connected are? 


I felt most connected to the universe when? 

I Release Control


Saying positive statements to yourself, writing them down where you will see them when you need it is like having a bank of constant reassurances that everything will be okay.


You can use them to meditate on, as part of your visualisation practice or to set your intentions of how you would like to feel. 


Scientifically they help increase the neural pathways in your brain and are useful in managing anxiety by reframing negative thoughts, and spiritually they send out those positive statements of intent to the universe, raising your vibrations and helping you connect to your higher self.

As always this is both weaving beautifully to mean the same thing, but it can help to visualise both scenarios.  

Person on mountains looking at the sky

I release all stress and tension from my body. 


I trust my intuition. I am in control of my next steps and I am ready to receive my highest desires. 


I see my goals clearly. I can create everything I need in my life. I am grateful for...


I am accountable for what I want. Everything I want is within reach. I am worthy. 


My path ahead is free from obstacles. I am bringing in everything that aligns with my soul. I grow with every decision I make. 


I release what no longer serves me. I break free from what holds me back. I am moving towards the life I desire. 


The life of my dreams is coming and I embrace new beginnings. 


I allow myself to forgive and be forgiven. I allow myself to trust. The universe has my back. 

I release control and embrace trust. I am enough. I am held. 


I am tuned into an endless supply of Universal love and healing energy. 


The Universe always protects and guides me. 

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