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Crystals and witchery, where do I start? Like any spiritual tool, they are certainly not essential – you can practice witchcraft and connect spiritually just with your mind, your intent, your own innate witchy power which of course we all have. But crystals, candles, cards...they do all help.


Often it is just the act of sitting at your sacred space, holding your crystal, lighting your candle which signifies it’s your time to connect. And these things don’t need to cost a fortune, a simple white candle and a couple of essential crystals can be bought for a few pounds from a good, ethical seller.  

What Are Crystals?

Crystals are formed in so many complex ways, some by the crystallization process over millions of years, some of molten magma, some of fiery gases in the centre of the earth. This is mainly a very slow process, unless you are talking natural glass-like minerals such as Obsidian, which is formed in a superfast manner by the rapid cooling of viscous lava. This is intrinsically geological magic, and I won’t go into too much detail about this as I am not a crystallographer or a geologist, but Tiny Rituals has some wonderful info on the structure of crystals.  


In simple terms, crystals are the most incredible gifts from Mother Earth, and just imagine all the Earth has seen since the beginning of time. Each season, each moon, every hot sunny day and starry night. Every animal and being that has ever walked the earth’s surface above where these beautiful treasures are forming ready to be birthed into existence.  


And someone out there decided to carve them into Pokemon shapes!? Needless to say, I prefer a simple tumble or freeform! But if you connect to a clear quartz Pikachu...go for it! 

There is no scientific evidence that categorically proves crystals work to ‘cure’ any medical illness or condition – medical advice and diagnoses must always be sought, however, they are an essential part of a highly efficient complimentary healing system that has been used since ancient times across the globe.  


As crystals vibrate at different frequencies due to their molecular composition (that much is proven scientifically!) they can be used with therapies such as reiki by clearing, balancing and realigning the body’s energetic flow (Chakras), channelling positivity and redirecting negative flow which can cause energy blockages.


These blockages can in turn manifest in mental and or physical ill health, proving yet again that everything in life is connected, as above, so below. 

How Crystals

Choosing Crystals

The advice on how to choose and buy crystals, what crystals to use for your magic and what they all correspond with can be really overwhelming! I always feel that the crystal you need will choose you. You should always go for the crystal you are drawn to. It is true that certain crystals have different vibrations, so putting a high energy solar crystal like Sunstone, carnelian, citrine (just to mention a few) under your pillow will not help with restful sleep, but if you feel you are drawn to that particular crystal it could mean your creative energy or motivation is lower, so these will benefit you in those ways and your intuition will be guiding you to them for a reason. 


As a teenager I was always drawn to Rose Quartz and as I have grown into my approaching crone years I have quite the collection of Smoky Quartz, which is a darker grey/brown in colour and transparent when polished, even though it is darker it can still have the most beautiful rainbows formed within the structure when catching the light. Smoky Quartz is connected to the Root Chakra and is the perfect stone to help with grounding and balance due to its earthiness. It also assists the ability of letting go, this could be of the past, of negativities, self-limiting beliefs, or simply leaving the past in the past.  


Dark crystals like smoky quartz are also helpful for removing negative or unwanted energy, cleansing and purifying by transmuting the negative energy into positive, which I always think happens when the negativity bounces around inside the crystal against all the little rainbows. I’m not sure this is a fact, I think it just belongs in my mind where the faeries live! 

Image by Jeroen van de Water

Crystals get their colour due to their physical composition, the elements and impurities, and the wavelengths of light which are absorbed during their formation.


The colour, essentially, is the frequency of visible light we perceive with our eyes. It is not only our eyes which absorb vibrations but our skin too, which is why crystals are often held or placed on your skin or used in your bath or shower for healing or meditation.  

Image by Who’s Denilo ?


Purity, peace, higher thinking, clarity, faith, serenity, calm. 


Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Selenite, White Howlite, Aura Quartz, Apophyllite.  

Image by Aleksandr Buynitskiy


Healing, love, emotional support, heart opening, abundance.  

Green Fluorite, Malachite, Unakite, Emerald, Green Aventurine, Green Moonstone, Jade, Amazonite. 

Image by Jeff W


Calm, spirituality, intuition, higher self, knowledge, psychic connection, healing, disordered sleep. 

Amethyst, Lepidolite, Charoite, Purple Fluorite, Iolite, Purple Agate.  

Image by Susanna Marsiglia


Self-love, love, acceptance, compassion, nurturing, heart healing, acceptance, familial bonds, friendship, forgiveness. 

Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Pink Aventurine, Pink Tourmaline/ Rubellite, Pink Fluorite. 

Image by carole smile


Mental support, expression, communication, dream clarity, spiritual connection, intuition, psychic awakening. 

Celestite, Apatite, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Chrysocolla (blue/green). 

Image by Ante Samarzija


Optimism, joy, ambition, self-esteem, mental alertness. 

Citrine, Yellow Aventurine, Honey Calcite, Golden Healer, Yellow Jasper. 

Image by Barış Selcen


Art, creativity, pleasure, confidence, joy, enthusiasm, freedom, sexual wellbeing, motivation. 

Sunstone, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Selenite, Agate. 

Image by Jason D


Passion, transformation, inner-power, stability, root grounding, vitality. 

Garnet, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Ruby, Vanadinite, Bloodstone/Heliotrope.

Image by Braňo


Calming, grounding, connecting to nature, animal healing, absorbs stress, relieves phobias. 

Smoky Quartz, Bronzite, Flower Agate, Grey Agate, Petrified Wood. 

Image by Luz Mendoza


Protection, purification, strengthening, stabilising, balancing. 

Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Moonstone, Snowflake Obsidian, Hematite. 

Cleansing and Charging Crystals 

Before using crystals it's essential to cleanse and charge them.

Like tarot cards, I do know how difficult this is as you want to take them out the shop or the package and dive right in there but try to test your patience as it really will bring you the best results. 

Crystals can absorb negative energies, be that from the shop from people handling them, even though most reliable crystal sellers will cleanse your crystal first. If you were to get your crystals through the post they have been through a traumatic journey so welcome them home with a nice smoke cleanse, sunlight or moonlight bath, sound bath with your altar bells or singing bowl, or a cleansing spray (if they’re water safe) or salt bath (again, do your research).  


Regular cleansing is important, I like to do my crystals each Full Moon but cleanse them as often as you feel necessary. You can energetically feel if they are ‘heavy’, and if you wear crystal jewellery definitely make sure they are cleansed more often.  


Moon bathing is a beautiful form of spiritual cleansing and charging. I normally smoke or sound cleanse first, then leave my tools out on the day the moon is waxing to full. Make sure (if your crystals are sun safe) to leave them out for a whole day and night to give them the balance of sunlight and moonlight. Don’t worry if it’s a cloudy day either, the energy is still there. Outside is always best, but where it isn’t possible you can always leave things on your windowsill to moon bathe. 


Earth is an incredibly powerful cleanser. If you have some outdoor space, or even a pot plant, you can bury your crystal pointing down in the earth near to a plant or tree’s roots (being careful not to damage the roots). Make sure if you do this that you leave a marker where they are buried! 


The divine spirit! Use your breath, your meditation and your perfect, loving, pure intention. I love to charge crystals this way, envelope them in your pure higher self and they will feel lighter and thank you after, just make sure to wash your hands and rinse off any negative energy you may take on. 


Sound is the most fun way for me to cleanse! Singing bowls, tuning forks, chanting, bells, playlists on Spotify for sound cleansing. 


Once your crystals are cleansed, you can charge them with your intentions by holding them in your hands and visualising the connection between you both. I always thank them for finding their way to me, ask them for the help I would like (programming them) and take them into my aura by holding them close to my heart and imagining my auric field encompassing them.  


You can always reprogramme them after cleansing them if you would like them to support you in a different way, or use them in another spell or ritual. 

singing bowl with incense and candle
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