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palmistry hand, crystal ball and other pots

There are few times I can say, or even think divination, without seeing Emma Thompson’s portrayal of Sybill Trelawney pop into my head. So here we will talk about the magical art of Divination, dear. Settle into your shawls and winged armchairs and we will begin.    


Divination is the practice of seeking spiritual guidance and insight into the future and has been a part of human culture for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern-day practitioners, people have turned to various methods to connect with the divine and gain clarity in their lives. 

Tea Leaves

cup of tea and loose tea leaves on a spoon

Tasseography or tasseomancy. Reading tea leaves may not be as ancient as some divinatory practices but it’s definitely one of the first people think of and I bet a lot of us has had a grandparent that has been known the read tea leaves, I know I have! 


It is simply the art of identifying symbols left in the remaining leaves and interpreting them to give a message. This method of connecting really is quite special, as we are not only holding the pendulum, shuffling the cards etc, we are drinking the tea. The connection of directing your magical energy and intention into that cup, taking it into your body and infusing it with your physical, as well as spiritual energy really is quite powerful.  


Loose black tea leaves are recommended for the beginner, but I think it is nice to use whichever tea aligns with your intention providing it is loose and the strands of tea are dark and big enough to see clearly. 

To try this, it is a good idea to cleanse your space as with any ritual, light your candles. would always use one black and one white. 


  • Choose a light teacup with little or no pattern, you need to be able to see the formation of your leaves clearly.  

  • Place your tea directly in the cup – no strainer – and pour your hot water on to steep for a couple of minutes.  

  • As it cools think of the query you would like the answer to. Make sure this is specific as when you use intentions and manifestations. If you want a clear answer, then ask a clear question! 

  • Blow gently into your tea to cool it a little, thinking of your question. Watch the gentle movement in the liquid, keep your eyes, mind and focus on the leaves as they swirl in your cup. Keep infusing them with your direction and energy. 

  • Hold the (cooled) teacup in your hands and direct your question and intention into it. And as you take small sips keep your magical intention clearly in your mind. 

  • When there is only a drop left in the bottom, swirl it gently in your non-dominant hand in a clockwise direction. Some will cling to the sides, some will settle, but swirl it three times and then turn it upside down on to your saucer. The liquid will drain into the saucer and the leaves will remain in the cup and will have formed shapes, or a pattern of sorts. 


This guide might be helpful in helping you to interpret your reading. Reading Tea Leaves 


hand underneath a crystal pendulum

Pendulums and boards are a simple and popular method of divination, partly because they are so easy to interpret. You ask a clear question and receive a ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe’ answer. 


Pendulums can be made from wood, stones, crystals, even nails or keys can be used, anything that is a substantial weight.  


Before starting a divination session, it is a good idea to set your intentions with your pendulum. Infuse it with your energy, holding it in your dominant hand and cupping your non dominant hand under is a good way to help your energy flow.  


Then set the directions of your questions, ask a simple question such as ‘Is my name...?’ then check the direction of your pendulum, do this for the three possible outcomes.


You will then know which ways your pendulum is swinging to answer your queries. 

Witches' Runes

wooden witches runes on a black zodiac patterned mat

Witches’ Runes, as opposed to the Elder Futhark, are not an alphabet but a series of symbols drawn in an easy to interpret way and I find are much more user-friendly than traditional runes. For me, these are the runes I can connect to easily as I find like tarot, the pictures tell the story. 

There are many different types of witches' runes, they’re often found in sets of 8, 10 and 13.

I am more familiar with the 13 and they are engraved with images of the Sun, Moon, Star, Eye, Man, Woman, Trinity, Rings, Flight, Waves, Harvest, Crossroads, and Scythe. Can you see from my picture above which rune is which?


To use your Witches’ Runes for guidance, first set yourself in a your sacred space, set your ritual cleanse. Then think over the question you would like to ask in your mind.  


Once you are ready then cast the runes all at once, in the manner of dice. A rune is only relevant to your reading if it falls face upwards, ignore any that fall face down.  


The leading – or most important rune in your reading is the one that has fallen the furthest from you. If all the runes have fallen face down then you are not yet meant to know the answer, wait at least one week before asking again. 


Reading Witches’ runes is done while working with your own intuition. What thoughts come to mind when looking at each symbol? How does it fit best with the question you have asked? 


  • Crossroads. Decisions to be made, new opportunities, blocked paths, a puzzle to be worked out. 

  • Waves. Emotions, the element of change, turbulence, healing, purification. 

  • Scythe. End of an era, releasing something that does not benefit you, letting go, conclusions. 

  • Eye. Psychic abilities, clairvoyance, witnessing, seeing the truth, the evil eye/protection. 

  • Sun. Growth, prosperity, new beginnings, healing, good news, justice. Masculine energies. 

  • Star. A spark of creativity, a light in the darkness, guidance, looking beyond the problem. 

  • Moon. Feminine energies. Transition, imagination, dreams, shadow work, secrets. 

  • Flight. Fast movement, communication – spoken or written, a message from the other side, birds. 

  • Rings. Collective alliance, bonding, marriage, family, teams.   

  • Trinity. Soulmate, love, connection, romance, Triple Goddess. 

  • Woman. Healing, nurturing, creativity, birthing – either physically in motherhood or metaphorically in a sacred project. 

  • Man. Action, strength, self-reliance, aggression, goals. 

  • Harvest. Abundance, reaping your rewards, family, financial security. 


yew wooden runes on black mat

Runes are an ancient method of divination whose roots are with the Germanic and Nordic tribes.

The Elder Futhark consist of a runic alphabet of 24 letters and are often carved into wood and stone. They are used for divination, also an ancient method of writing, for making sigils and to make bind runes for talismans etc. 


I have never connected with these runes and don’t have a lot of advice on how to read them, so here is a blog post on how to use and interpret runes from ‘Two Wander’. 

Tarot/Oracle Cards

Tarot book with The Empress card from th

Tarot and oracle cards are more widely used as a tool for self-awareness and reflection than the fortune telling method that’s widely perceived, however, we can still receive messages and predictions for the future, but that is far more a guideline based on the present situation and potentially following the advice that the cards give. They are far more reliably used by someone without extensive knowledge and experience as a reflective window into your soul. 


I’ve published a beginner’s page on tarot as it is definitely the method of divination I connect with and use the most, although I’m in no way an expert. See it here: Tarot for Beginners.

Crystal Ball

palmistry hand with crystal ball

Crystal balls have been used in divination and scrying for centuries. Similar to scrying, you gaze into the ball until you achieve a meditative state, until you reach a trance state and are able to channel messages and visions.  


How To Begin 


  • Make sure your crystal ball is cleansed and charged before beginning your session. It is recommended that you keep your crystal ball covered with a black cloth while it’s not in use, so it doesn’t absorb energies and visions, you also should cleanse it before and after each session to cleanse any past visions within. 

  • Cleanse your sacred space as always for a ritual. Choose your crystals for protection and intuition, light your candles. 

  • Hold the ball in the center of both palms, or if you are using a heavy sphere you can place it on a stand on the table in front of you but try and keep your hands connected around it to keep an energetic connection. 

  • Breathe deeply and intentionally, ground and centre yourself. 

  • Allow yourself to gaze into your crystal ball. Soften your gaze as you keep your breathing slow, steady and intentional. Ask questions if you feel called, or just sit connected and relaxed without judgement. 

  • Allow yourself to gaze into the ball, don’t try to make things fit, just investigate it with curiosity and no judgement. You might see actual shapes and forms within, or images, thoughts or sounds may flit through your mind. You may hear messages; you might intentionally feel messages. It is all important to remember and note down afterwards. 

  • Once you feel like you’re finished, as always say ‘thank you’ for the messages and communication. Finish the gazing or scrying as you would a meditation with simple grounding breaths.  

  • Snuff out your candles, re-cover your crystal ball and have a glass or water to bring your awareness back to the mundane! 

  • Journal any experiences you had while scrying, it will be really interesting to look back on your journey, 


gothic mirrors on a dark wall

The first recorded examples of scrying appear in China in around 3000 BCE, in Egypt in 2500 BCE, and in Greece in 2000 BCE. Nevertheless, it was the infamous French prophet, Michel de Nostredame, more commonly known as Nostradamus (1503-1566), who first put scrying on the map. The College of Psychic Studies. 


Scrying can be performed with so many household objects, you definitely don’t need a crystal ball. You could quite simply use a candle flame, bowl of water, Obsidian mirror, even a lake or a bonfire. People add inks to their water, or milk to be able to watch different shapes form – much like tea leaves.  

The ability to empty your mind, your meditative awareness and trancelike state are the most important tools in this practice. 


It’s always rumoured to be best to scry at nights as scrying is magically, closely linked to the moon. 

So, clear your mind as you would before using a crystal ball or any other ritual. 

Prepare your tool, be it a candle, fire smoke, an obsidian mirror and center your breathing. 

Then as you would when you’re cloud gazing and seeing shapes within the clouds, let your mind wander. Let thoughts, shapes, images, visions and messages run through your mind. Again, don’t force it, just keep your connection with your breath and see what is shown to you. 

All these methods of divination become easier and more effective with regular practice! 

Automatic Writing

fountain pen writing unclear words

Mainly when people refer to automatic writing, it’s in the Spiritualist sense of communicating as a medium. Not everyone professes to be a medium although everyone does have psychic abilities, it’s all about tuning in and connection. Everyone can relax into a meditative state and try automatic writing though.  

Again, it’s all about clearing your mind, setting your ritual space and just writing freely. 

You could start by asking a question and seeing what you write, draw, or simply what images come to you on your paper.  

I’ve often seen it being done in a dramatic way Hollywood would be proud of, using your non dominant hand, closing your eyes, wearing a blindfold, etc. I may be a Leo, but I’m not sold on these theatrics. Just sit quietly, light your candles, breath, clear your mind and write what comes to you.  

A word about 
Spirit Boards

spirit board and candle

One thing I’m deliberately not going into is spirit boards. Some people like using them, I don’t. They can be used safely, I’m sure. I just don’t like them, I don’t like some behaviour I’ve seen while people use them, and I wouldn’t use one.

I don’t tip tables or glasses either. My preference, and as always, you do you, just take care while doing it. 

Protecting Your Energy

hand holding an amethyst

Before you do any kind of divination it’s always recommended that you do some kind of spiritual protection. By not protecting yourself it is possible to have unwanted energies latching on to you that will drain and affect you. Also, if you are reading for somebody this is also a must to make sure you are energetically protected. 


  • You can light candles, I use one black and one white for purity, protection and balance.  

  • Take the time to ground and centre yourself

  • I light my candles and ask that the light guides and protects me. I visualise that candle flame inside me and its light turning the purest white and spreading all around my aura, enveloping all of me. I ask my guides for their protection and ask that messages are in love and truth. 

  • Some people offer a prayer to the universe, the archangels, their own guides and guardians. 

      Who you ask may be irrelevant, it is more important that you respectfully are asking. 

  • Always throw up your psychic shield after you’ve centered yourself, whichever coloured light you choose to use is up to you, white is a very protectively powerful colour, as is blue, purple, gold and green (green for healing). 

  • You can use a circle of salt (or black salt), cast a protective circle with your wand or athame. Ask for protection within your circle and that nothing with any other than pure intent shall enter. 

  • Crystals are an excellent protective aid, mainly crystals connected to your root chakra such as Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Tigers Eye, and Smoky Quartz, also Amethyst is a great protective stone as it is so high vibrational and works to protect your higher chakras during divination.


As with any practice, be respectful. Say thank you after and close down your circle. Ground and center yourself and make sure to get a glass of water or a nice hot drink to bring you back down to earth. 

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