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Solar Eclipse
Full Moon

Lunar Magic

The moon has always held a unique place in the practice of witchcraft.


Her mystical energy and connection to nature makes a powerful amplification for your spellwork and rituals.


Also, in case you’re not familiar, we often refer to the Moon as her, Mother - feminine energy, and the Sun as Father - masculine energy.


The balance of the male and female energies. It is true harmony.  


Here’s how to explore the different phases of the moon and how you can harness their energy to enhance your magical practice. 

The New Moon:
A Time for New Beginnings

The new moon is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. It is the perfect time to set intentions and plant the seeds of your desires.


Use this phase to focus on self-reflection, goal setting, and manifesting your dreams. Light a black candle on your altar and meditate on your intentions, visualising them coming to fruition.


It needs pointing out also, that the theory behind this is great, visualise your dreams and watch them fall into place. 

Well...I’m afraid it takes a little more than that!


Visualisation is all great and powerful, but if your goal is to have money or get a new job, it does need a plan and hard work too. It’s important to show the universe you mean it. So, if you want to manifest a new car – it is also important to make that plan of how you’re going to get the car. A saving plan, ask for ways to earn money? A new venture or job opportunity might fall into your lap? But do the legwork.


You know what they say, you won’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket! 

The Waxing Moon: Growth and Expansion 

As the moon begins to wax, so does the energy available for manifestation.


During the waxing moon phase, focus on spells and rituals that promote growth, abundance, and expansion.


This is a great time to work on projects, start new ventures, or attract prosperity into your life. Keep putting the work into the seeds you planted at the new moon through the waxing phase, this is your chance for growth.


Use green candles and crystals like citrine or jade to amplify the energy of growth, and keep checking in on your plan, keep fine tuning it and making sure you’re on the right track! 

Moon Stages
Solar System

The Full Moon:

the Power 

The full moon is the most potent phase for moon magic.


The energy is at its peak, making it the ideal time for spellwork, divination, and charging your magical tools.


Use this phase to perform rituals for healing, protection, and manifestation.

Create a sacred space under the moonlight, surrounded by candles, crystals, and other tools that resonate with your intentions. 


Use the moon for reflection, what issues are being highlighted here? Where are your emotions pulling you? What are you grateful for? Use this energy to bring all the good feelings to the surface. 


Also, how is your New Moon manifestation coming along? Have things slipped? Bad habits getting in the way of you achieving your goal? Time to think about releasing those. 

The Full Moon is also a great time to cleanse and charge your crystals, although this can be done at any time of the cycle, but the Full Moon is a useful time to remember if you forget.


Cleanse them by burning incense and holding them in the smoke for around 30 seconds, you can also burn herbs like garden sage, rosemary or mugwort. You can use sustainable, ethically sourced Palo Santo but I would always use things we have on hand. You can either make or buy smoke cleansing wands to use.


When your crystals are cleansed, pop them outside (somewhere safe) or on your windowsill. Don’t just leave them overnight, give them the full twenty-four hours outside and let the sun's rays wash over them too – always check your crystals are sun and water safe though in case in rains. I


f you’re using something like Amethyst that might fade in the sun, just give it a short burst - a few hours, and bring it inside. 


The Waning Moon: Release and Let Go 

As the moon begins to decrease in size, it is a time for releasing and letting go.


Use the waning moon phase to release negative energy, bad habits, or anything that no longer serves you.


Perform banishing rituals, cleanse your space, and focus on self-care and healing.


Use black candles and obsidian or smoky quartz to aid in the release process.

The Dark Moon: Embracing the Shadow 

The dark moon phase occurs right before the new moon and represents the deepest part of the lunar cycle.


The dark moon phase is for connecting with yourself by introspection, going deep within, embracing the darkness, and exploring your fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs.


Cultivating the practice of shadow work, to truly get to know ourselves at a deeper level, exploring the parts of ourselves that we may keep hidden, is an uncomfortable part of spiritual development, but a crucial one.


Through this process, we gain a greater understanding of ourselves and are able to grow and transform. 


Use this phase wisely. Rest and reconnect.

Moon Clouds
Clouds and Sunset

Tips for Lunar Magic

- Keep a moon journal to track the phases of the moon and your experiences with moon magic. This will help you understand the patterns and energies associated with each phase.  

- Spend time outdoors during the full moon to connect with nature and absorb its energy. Take a moonlit walk, meditate under the stars, or simply sit and observe the beauty of the night sky. If you live somewhere that you can watch the moonrise, that is particularly special. We live on the East Coast and can watch it rise on our beach, which is amazing to watch.

- Experiment with different types of moon rituals and spells to find what resonates with you. Trust your intuition and let your inner witch guide you. 


- Download a lunar cycle app or treat yourself to a lunar diary. Here you can easily track which phase the moon is in and also which sign the moon is currently sitting in. If you know your astrology it can help you understand why some issues are arising at certain times. 

- Remember to always practice moon magic with respect and gratitude. Offer thanks to the moon and the universe for their guidance and support. 
By understanding the different phases of the moon and harnessing their energy, you can unlock the full potential of your spellwork and Moon Rituals. Embrace the enchanting ambiance of moon magic and let the moonlight guide you on your spiritual journey. 


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