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Image by Josh Rangel

Birth Charts

The sky above us is not just a tapestry dotted with a moon, sun and a few stars, but a rich gateway to whole other worlds of complex, timeless celestial bodies; and your birth chart freezes this picture of the skies at the precise moment you enter this mortal plain of existence. Even twins may not share the exact same birth chart, and as much as we may have many similarities your actual birth chart will not be repeated for over 25,000 years.  

Image by Frankie Lopez


Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial objects, which can give us insight into our personalities, relationships, and future, offering us the ability to understand ourselves and the world around us a bit better.

Human beings have been looking to the stars for answers since what appears to be the dawn of their existence, along with the lunar cycles the skies have given guidance, forecasts, navigation and systems to live aligned with nature; to plant, grow, harvest, reproduce, hunt and migrate. Basically life has depended on what lies above, as much as what lies below, to survive. 

According to Astrostyle the roots of astrology began with earliest civilization around 30,000-10,000 B.C. Maps of the stars existed long before maps of the earth. Archaeologists have found cave paintings, mammoth tusks, and bones marked with lunar phases. Man has long coped with uncertainty and the change brought on by nature’s cycles by tracking the stars—the seven visible planets were our first GPS. 

As life has evolved, with science, maths and technology, we have learned far more about the skies and their effects on our world. In most cultures now, unlike our distant ancestors, we don’t give offerings to the Gods to prevent famine and flood (although I respect that many still do), we understand the movements and cycles of the skies in a different light and honour astrology on a spiritual and soul led level, not something to be feared. 

As you begin to delve into the influence of the planets and their transits, it can provide you with a deeper understanding of the energies that were at play in the moment you were born, and what better place to start than looking at your birth, or natal chart. I find this site is helpful to create your birth chart: Cafe Astrology

Sun Signs

Your star sign, horoscope, zodiac sign, are all really referring to your sun sign, which constellation the sun was in at the time of your birth.  

The chances are that you will have known your sun sign for many years, and will know all about it, but here's a quick run down.

Your sun sign represents the expression of your true self, your ego, your sense of individuality, your basic personality, the fundamental you. The I am.  

Image by Kenrick Mills

Air Signs 

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.  

Thinkers, communicators, intellectuals. 

Air signs are curious, clever, witty and sociable. They are the thinkers, the talkers; balanced, fair and open minded. They love to express themselves intellectually and adapt well to social situations.  

Although when I say curious, my husband is a Gemini, and he isn’t just curious (he’ll say he is), he has a pathological need to know all the details of everything (and everyone), plus he really can talk. Librans are very kind, and balanced, and very clever, just don’t ask them to decide quickly! And then there is Aquarius who really are often unique, quirky and forward thinkers. 

Image by Christopher Burns

Fire Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Passionate, motivated, inspired. 

I’m a Leo, I am all the above, but I am also impatient, impetuous, dramatic, moody and a complete pain in the astrological rear. I have close friends who are Aries and Sagittarius, and this does rarely make for an easy get together... Every one of us is the boss, every one of us the leader and every one of us is right.  

I would also say that fire signs are loyal, truthful to the point of bluntness and can be very committed – until they get bored then they’ll quickly abandon ship and move on to something more fun. 

Image by Matthew Smith

Earth Signs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. 

Practical, material, physical. 

I find earth signs are grounded, stable, pragmatic, reliable, organised and honest. They’re probably some of my favourite people and they are always the ones you need to call in a crisis! (and as a Leo I tend to have a lot of crises). Don’t get me wrong, I think they are also stubborn and downright immovable, a Virgoan could pick holes in everything you do, Capricorns can be a little bit on the aloof side and the Taureans will downright steal the last piece of chocolate cake as their need for it would be unshakeably greater, but better friends you would not find.  

Image by Sime Basioli

Water Signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. 

Sensitive, emotional, compassionate. 

Water signs tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, are kind, compassionate, supportive and nurturing...and then there is Scorpio! I am only joking before the Scorpions hunt me down expressing fury so intense you’re mistaken for a fire sign (true though, isn’t it?), but Scorpio isn’t all bad, they are just intense! They are a water sign and they hurt deeply, so understandably they put their guards up! I find Cancerians a motherly, caring bunch, and Pisces are a dreamy, mystic crew. They all tend to be nostalgic and hang on to things longer than they need to, but they are loyal, kind and artistic. 

Moon Signs

As your sun is your outside, the moon is your inside, your subconscious, your hidden side that drives your emotions and feelings.

If the sun is I am, the moon is I Feel. 

Image by Julian Hanslmaier

Air Signs 

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.  

Much the same as air sun signs, air moon signs are thinkers, socialisers and talkers.

Geminis and Aquarians have a need to understand everything, and normally verbally analyse it all and Librans can have a desire to please.

These are emotionally intellectual signs and crave logic and information to feel secure. 

Image by Prateek Gautam

Fire Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 

Being the leader is soothing to a fire moon, it gives them emotional stability to know where they stand, and the recognition for doing this leadership role makes them feel safe.

Aries can be self-assured and passionate, Leo passionate but can lend to dramatism and attention seeking when they don’t feel heard, and Sagittarius feels the need for action, independence and movement.  

Image by Noah Buscher

Earth Signs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. 

Earth signs can look for safety in the material world. They tend to like organised, controlled, calm, and can diffuse heated situations to restore the peace. They can find security in being self-sustaining and like to feel successful in what they do.

Earth signs can be emotionally deep, and it might be challenging for others looking in to get to the bottom of their problems.  

Image by Sebastian Pena Lambarri

Water Signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. 

Water signs tend to be sensitive, empathetic and compassionate, and find they crave self-expression.

They need human connection to feel secure, and feeling secure can be an issue with a Scorpio moon as they can have trust issues, but really, they just want to love and be loved in return. 

Rising (Ascendent) Signs

Your rising sign, or ascendent, is the sign that dictates which sign each of your twelve houses will be ruled by. It is the sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the exact time of your birth, which is why it is important to know your (near to) exact time of birth as the rising sign changes every two hours.  It is the sign that rules your first house, the home of your identity and self-image, how other people perceive you. 

If your Sun is I Am, your Moon is I Feel, then your ascendent is Who You Think I Am. It is the mask you wear to the world, the face you present, the first impression people get of you, or more importantly, the small window to the inside, that if they are very lucky, they will get beyond to know the real you.  



Aries' ruling planet is Mars, the god of war, and you can often come across as fearless and slightly intimidating.  Aries rising can show up as opinionated and independent, and can also be competitive, viewing everything as a competition (fight or argument, but you will win!). You are instinctive, which is fine as your instincts are normally spot on! You can also be warm and funny and extremely high energy.  

Image by Rod Long


As a Cancer rising, your ruling sign is the Moon. You are perceived as nurturing and highly empathetic, people want to open up and tell you their worldly woes as you just have a demeanour that makes people feel safe, but do you always open up to others in return? You may appear sensitive, but you are well protected with your crab shell and pinchers if someone tries to invade your precious home life and space. 

Image by Elena Mozhvilo


Libra is the sign of partnerships, and Venus is your ruling planet, so you really are naturally charming. 

However, you would never push a Libra or Libra rising to make any kind of decision quickly, you will take out your heavenly scales and weigh up the pros and cons of every scenario of that situation, in other words, procrastinate, but it will be with the good intentions in your easy going manner, of keeping everyone happy and keeping the peace.  

Image by NASA


Success takes effort, could be the motto of Saturn who is Capricorn’s ruler, which makes it a disciplined, high achieving planet and sign.  

Capricorn rising is very appearance driven and appears mature, got-it-all-together, and organised. You can come across very professional and you expect a lot of yourself and others. While you’re very driven and can have a focus on material things, you also can have a wicked sense of humour and may hide quite a naughty side!  

Image by Matteo Panara


Your ruling planet is beautiful, sensual Venus, the goddess of abundance, beauty and love, and don’t all Taureans know it? You're a rising earth sign, you enjoy being creative in an earthy way – cooking a sumptuous new recipe, gardening or creating something beautiful to wear. 

While you have these earthy grounded vibes, you’re not the bull for nothing. You may present laid back and highly dependable, but you also come across fierce and strong willed.  

Image by Dušan veverkolog


Leo's ruling planet is the magnificent sun, so you will exhibit all that dazzling outward energy. You come across as confident, vibrant, and full of fun. You are highly creative, appear very outgoing and carefree, and can show a sense of fun and sunny energy that brings out your inner child at times.  You may appear to be a little bit dramatic, a lot thespian and the spotlight will instinctively be shining on you. You will probably also have an awesome mane of hair! (I avoided saying ‘roarsome’ there and I feel I deserve some kind of points.) 

Image by Hassan Sherif


Scorpio is ruled by both the warrior Mars, and lord of the Underworld, Pluto.  

If you're a Scorpio rising, you could appear mysterious, quiet, and alluring. Some may say a Femme Fatale charm, and whatever the male equivalent is? Scorpios have a reputation for being the most sexual sign of the zodiac, which can come across as quite intimidating at first. Scorpio risings can present real intense energy and you can throw out some off-putting vibes before people really get under your skin, especially if you have a lot of other Scorpionic or fire sign energy in your chart. You can be highly untrusting of people, things and life, but once someone gets to know you, they see the true emotional side of you that lies beneath.  

Image by Kobby Mendez


Aquarius rising, your ruling planet is Uranus, which is as quirky and eccentric as you present yourself. 

Wild, eccentric, unpredictable, interesting, away-with-the-fairies – all associations with Aquarius and you could be perceived as having quite ‘out there’ ideas. But you’re also a rising air sign and will also come across as intelligent and forward thinking and like to take your time to research your thoughts, as wild as they may be, they will also be well thought out. You might be perceived as unconventional, but you are wise, like to act for the greater good and you can present as a real revolutionary.  

Image by Alexander Grey


Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, the messenger of the gods, and there is the age-old belief that Geminis are two faced, I don’t see this, but I do think Gemini rising can be hard to decipher, to really see through to whether they like you or no (until you get to know them) as they are pleasant and charming to one and all (if maybe with a little well cloaked sarcasm at times?).

They are highly observant, but rarely show this judgement. A Gemini rising can be perceived as chatty, witty and curious.  

Image by Christina Deravedisian


Like Gemini, Virgo’s ruling planet is messenger Mercury, and Virgo risings can be quick thinkers. 

You are punctual and organised. You always have a plan and I imagine it is very well thought out, if a little immovable. You can come across as a perfectionist and a little pernickety! You are always trying to be at the service of others and can definitely work well in healing professions. Virgo risings are an earth sign though, and it can be difficult to get through your earthy exterior to start with! 

Image by Felipe Simo


Sagittarius is ruled by the planet of luck and abundance, Jupiter. Which is a good thing because as a Sagittarius rising you tend to have a bit of a problem with tact! You’re not malicious, but sometimes your mouth just runs away with itself, and you can lean to pointing out to what everyone else is thinking but managing not to say. You are however the life and soul of the party and appear to have a vibrant optimistic outlook, you could always feel you’re searching for something though, and it’s often adventure. 

Image by Nsey Benajah


Pisces rising, your ruling planet is the mysterious Neptune, which makes you seem as dreamy and alluring as a mermaid (maybe?). Perfect for this water sign.  

You can be emotional, and emotionally wise being the last sign of the zodiac. You can also be highly intuitive, in touch with your psychic side, hugely compassionate and a little too empathetic for your own welfare. You can be described as dreamy with your head in the clouds, as a Pisces rising, you may seem like things are going in one ear and out the other, but you have your own way of taking things in, and that comes down to your excellent intuition.  

Image by Arun Clarke

This may be a short guide to your ‘Big Three’ in your natal charts, but it is important to remember that your charts are made up of every sign of the zodiac, all ruling different houses, with all the different planets and celestial bodies coming together to create your own unique and highly personal energy. You can find a birth chart here for free, and investigate your own celestial snapshot. 

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