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Connecting with


In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to feel disconnected from the natural world around us. However, for a witch, connecting with nature is not just a hobby, but a way of connecting to your inner self.


Nature is not just a backdrop for your rituals and spells, but a source of inspiration, wisdom, and healing.  


I will start here just to touch on the basics of beginning your connection, or reconnection with nature and in turn your inner self. 

Embrace the Elements

Witches understand the power and significance of the elements - earth, air, fire, and water.
Spend time in nature, observing and connecting with each element.


Engage Your Senses and Learn from the Natural World:

Nature is a sensory experience, and it's important to engage all your senses when connecting with it.

Take the time to really see the vibrant colours of the flowers, hear the rustling of leaves, smell the earth after rain, and feel the texture of tree bark. By fully immersing yourself in the sensory experience of nature, you will deepen your connection and open yourself up to its magic.


Nature is a vast and wise teacher, and it's important to be open to its lessons. Observe the cycles of the seasons as the Wheel of the Year turns, the behaviour of animals, and the growth and life cycle of plants.

Take note of the messages and symbolism that nature presents to you just as the changing colours of leaves in the autumn can remind us of the beauty and transience of life.


By learning from the natural world, you will deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and gain valuable insights for your practice. 



Create Sacred Spaces in

One of the most important things we can do as witches, is to create sacred spaces for your rituals and spells.

Extend this practice to your connection with nature by creating sacred spaces outdoors.

Find a quiet spot in your garden, window box or any outside space, and set up a small altar or sacred space.


Decorate it with natural objects like stones, feathers, and flowers. Pop some candles in jars. Make a natural mandala with natural items, add some crystals, write a note of love or inspiration and put it under a rock.


This will serve as a focal point for your connection with nature and serve as a beautiful space for meditation, reflection, and spell work. I love to perform burning rituals in my cauldron outside, especially celebrating fire sabbats sitting around a fire pit.


Nature and Mindfulness

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to rush through life without truly experiencing the present moment. Practicing mindfulness is key to connecting with nature and with yourself.

When you're in nature, slow down to be fully present. Notice the details, the sounds, the smells, and the sensations. Let go of distractions and immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquillity of the natural world. Try not to walk through the woods looking at your phone screen (which I see way too often!), try to guide your mind if it wanders to your shopping list, to-do list, or what you're making for dinner.

By practicing mindfulness you can basically practice active meditation and experience magick on a profound level. 
Remember, connecting with nature is not just a one-time activity, but an ongoing practice. Make it a priority to spend regular time in nature, whether it's a daily walk, a weekend camping trip, or simply sitting in your backyard. The more you connect with nature, the more you will align yourself with its energy and wisdom, and the more your spiritual lifestyle will flourish. 

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