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Image by Jaclyn Moy

Candle Magic

Candle magic has been used for centuries to attract abundance, love, success, healing, and more.


When you think about it you’ve more than likely been using candle magic all your life when you’ve wished on your birthday candles.


It quite simply is the most basic form of magic, just using candles of different colours to focus your intentions and energy towards a specific goal. The flame of the candle represents the element of fire, which is associated with transformation and manifestation

Image by Umesh Soni

To begin your candle magic practice, choose the right coloured candle for your desired outcome. Each colour has its own unique energy and symbolism. Some will say about certain sizes of candles, in essence, unless you’re performing a specific spell (often you can do a healing spell over seven nights) using a short burn spell candle is the best idea as they normally burn within an hour and that is a really nice time for your spell or ritual. Birthday candles are also a brilliant tool for spells as they are a short burn and come in all sorts of colours. 

Candles also differ in materials. You can choose standard paraffin, beeswax or soy to name a few. I tend to stick to natural beeswax, but it is purely down to personal choice.  

You can also intensify your spell work by dressing the candles. You can do this with herbs and oils to compliment your spell work. For example, anointing your candle with chamomile oil and rolling it in lavender and lemon balm would make a beautiful anti-anxiety spell. You can also buy candles readily dressed to make this easier. My personal favourites are from The Phoenix Candle Company (not an affiliate link!)


starry night

Once you have chosen your candle, it is time to prepare for your candle magic ritual. If you have created a sacred space, go there, or somewhere else you can work without being disturbed and can relax. 

Next, carve or inscribe your intention onto the candle. You can use a small knife, cocktail stick, or a pin to do this. Be clear and specific about what you want to manifest. For example, if you are looking to attract love, you can carve the word "love" or draw a heart symbol on the candle. You can always design a sigil for a powerful addition to your spell. 
Before lighting the candle, it is important to set your intention. Take a moment to visualize your desire and feel the emotions associated with it. Imagine yourself already having what you desire and allow yourself to feel the joy and gratitude. This step is crucial in aligning your energy with your intention. 
Now, light the candle and let it burn. As the flame flickers, focus your energy on your intention. You can recite a mantra or affirmation that resonates with your desire. For example, if you are manifesting abundance, you can repeat the affirmation, "I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life." 
Allow the candle to burn completely or extinguish it by snuffing it out if you need to leave the space. It is important to never leave a burning candle unattended. You can repeat this ritual as often as you like, depending on the intensity of your desire. 
Candle magic is a powerful tool, but it is not a quick fix. Like everything with manifestation, it requires patience, belief, and consistent practice. Trust in the process and have faith that your desires will manifest in divine timing.  

Colour Correspondences

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