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Crystal Grids

A crystal grid is the physical act of laying out your crystals in a pattern which is normally geometric. This layout, combined with the power of your intention, significantly amplifies the properties and power of the crystals, bringing greater benefit and more successful outcomes. Think of using a blend of spices in a recipe rather than just adding one. The different flavours add warmth and richness to the mixture, and in turn, amplifies the whole blend creating a whole new level of taste – essentially, that’s the power of a crystal grid (but in Kitchen Witch terms)! 


By combining your stones in this way, you can channel the essence of healing, protection, love, abundance – any energy you wish to bring into your everyday life.  


The Power of Intention

Intention is the driving force behind any manifestation, using crystals or otherwise. It is the energy and focus that you put into your spiritual work that determines its outcome. When you set a clear intention, you are directing your energy towards a specific goal, making it more likely to manifest, you are letting the universe know what you are working towards. 


Clarify your intention

Before creating your grid, take the time to clarify your intention. What is it that you truly want? Be specific and clear about your goal. For example, if you are manifesting love, instead of simply asking for love to find you, specify the qualities you seek in a partner, or the type of relationship you desire. 

Visualise your intention: visualisation is a powerful tool in manifesting. Close your eyes and imagine your intention as if it has already manifested. See yourself living your desired outcome. This helps to strengthen your intention and align your energy with your goal. 


Use affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce your intention. Repeat affirmations related to your manifestation regularly. For example, if you are manifesting abundance, you could say, "I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life." By affirming your intention, you are programming your subconscious mind to attract your desired outcome. 

It is important to remember that intention is not just about saying the words or performing the actions. It is about truly believing in your desired outcome and aligning your energy with it. Trust in the power of your intention and let it guide your manifesting. 


Putting in the legwork!

It is so important when manifesting to do the work that comes with your goal. If you are manifesting wealth and abundance, but you don’t make a financial plan to start a business, or seek a new job, even to buy a lottery ticket! You are not sending out the message that you really do want that outcome, as basically, you’re not trying to help yourself! If you want to get a new job, apply for one! If you want to meet a new partner, get out there, even if it’s just on the apps, don’t sit in your living room waiting for someone to knock at the door. You must put the work in for your manifestations to work.  

Image by Vanessa Serpas


You can increase your magic by writing down the intention or wish you would like to manifest, folding it, and placing it in the centre of, or underneath your grid. You could even use a bay leaf to write it on to strengthen your magic. You can create a sigil and activate it, then place that under your grid, you can also use a mood board or photo of your goal or wish, and use that in a similar way.


Anything that helps you place yourself in your dream outcome and helps you to really touch, smell and feel the feelings of having your manifestation will help strengthen your magic. 

Choosing your crystals

The crystals you choose and how you lay out your grid is your own recipe! Some people like to use a central stone as their ‘master’, then lay supporting, amplifying crystals in lines around it to combine and direct the energetic flow.  


If I were to lay out a grid for grounding, I would use stones such as a Black Tourmaline master, then lay a geometric pattern of crystals like Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian, Red Jasper, Moss Agate, Hematite, Bloodstone. I could add some Clear Quartz chips or points to help increase the power and direct flow, I could then add some grounding or protecting herbs such as Rosemary or Juniper sprigs, small (windfallen) twigs or leaves, seasonal nuts or berries such as Horse Chestnuts, rocks, any of nature's gifts (providing they are sourced respectfully and responsibly, leaving plenty for the wildlife) as this will increase the energy of your grid.

You can learn more about working with nature and the elements here: Connecting With Nature.


Clear Quartz is the master healer and amplifier of all the crystals, so this or Golden Healer would be my first choice as a master central stone for overall wellbeing. If there is a specific healing goal it would be worth looking at more direct crystals such as Amethyst for issues of the mind, Rose Quartz for circulation or heart matters, Citrine or Carnelian for energy and fatigue, Moonstone for any female hormone or menstrual issues, Bloodstone for any blood or circulatory, Aventurine is also a good choice for speeding up recovery.  

  • Important! Please do not forget, no crystal or manifesting can take the place of solid medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. They are a highly effective complimentary therapy or aid, but not intended for first line treatment. 


Prosperity and Luck Crystals 

Some good all round crystals for promoting prosperity, abundance and luck are:

Citrine, Green Aventurine, Jade, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Garnet, and as always, to amplify, is it best to add clear quartz. 


Confidence and Success 

Crystals that are good for success and confidence are often the ones that work with your Sacral chakra: Carnelian, Tiger’s eye, Red Jasper, Citrine, Garnet, Sunstone, and Pyrite. You can add Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli as well to increase your confidence in communication. 

Love and Romance 

Stones for wellbeing in love and all things romantic include Rose Quartz, Garnet, Moonstone, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite and Vanadinite.  

As always you can amplify with Clear Quartz, and some grounding Smoky Quartz or inject some happiness in with Citrine. 



To add some calming, self-loving, compassionate energy try combining Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Amazonite, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite. Add some moonstone for feminine energy or White Howlite to soothe your negative self talk. 



Laying out a grid to introduce some protective energy to an area you feel needs it, or while you are doing psychic practice can be useful. Try stones such as: 

Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Garnet, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz and Hematite. 


Psychic Connection 

If you are laying out a grid while you are practising divination or spiritual meditation, try Third Eye/Crown chakra crystals: 

Labradorite, Moonstone, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Selenite, Fluorite, Celestite.   

Image by Susanna Marsiglia

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are highways for energy flow and when they become blocked or unbalanced it can manifest in emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance. Read my blog piece about balancing your chakras here: Are Your Chakras Balanced?


For each of the seven chakra centres in the body, there are various crystals, colours and stones which correspond.

Some suggested crystals to help balance your chakras are: 

Root or base – Red Jasper. Sacral – Carnelian. Solar Plexus – Citrine. Heart – Rose Quartz. Throat – Blue Lace Agate. Third Eye – Amethyst. Crown – Clear Quartz. 


When your chakras are aligned you can achieve a state of better wellbeing, confidence and balance flowing through you.  


You can either meditate with your crystals on your grid (along with the amplification clear quartz) and imagine each one of your chakras lighting up as you touch each crystal, imagine them spinning until they are light and clear, then work up or down to the next one, or you can charge the crystals on the grid and take them off, lay down and meditate with them laid on their corresponding position.


Place your crown above your head on a pillow or wherever you are laying, and your root between your legs. Each one in between place where you feel is comfortable (your third eye is in the middle of your forehead). 

Cleansing grids

You can either create a crystal grid on a normal surface or buy a special grid board, these can be either wood or sometimes made from Selenite or Clear Quartz and will often be engraved with geometric patterns that you can use to lay your crystals out, but you can just as easily create your own either on a tray or outside in nature.  


Whichever surface you are using, it is best to make sure that and your chosen crystals are cleansed first. If you are using the grass or another surface in nature it has no need for extra cleansing. 


You can use either incense or other suitable herbs to create smoke to cleanse your grid and crystals, if you do your research to make sure it is safe, you can also use a cleansing spray, running water or salt, equally sun or moonlight works well. (Read more here about cleansing spiritual tools.) 


You can always reuse crystals and grids for new intentions, just remember to give them a cleanse and reprogram them with your new goals. 

Working with Lunar Cycles

You can read my Beginner’s Guide to Moon Magic here, which will give you a brief overview of working with the power of the moon. Harnessing the energy from the phases of the moon really can enhance your magic. 

New Moon: 

The perfect time to set your goals and intentions, make your plans, plant your seeds. This is the time to decide what you want to go for! Get your journal out and make your plans.

Waxing Moon: 
As the moon begins to wax, so does the energy available for manifestation. During the waxing moon phase, focus on spells and rituals that promote growth, abundance, and expansion. This is a great time to start new ventures or attract prosperity into your life. 

Full Moon:  
The Full Moon is the most potent phase for moon magic. The energy is at its peak, making it the ideal time for manifestation. Use this phase to perform rituals for healing, protection and maximising your abundance manifestation. 

Image by Mahdi Soheili

The Waning Moon:  
As the moon begins to decrease in size, it is a time for releasing and letting go. Use the waning moon phase to release negative energy, bad habits, or anything that no longer serves you. Create a banishing grid and focus on self-care and healing. 

The Dark Moon:  
The dark moon phase represents the deepest part of the lunar cycle. It is a time for introspection, shadow work, and connecting with your inner self. Go deep within, embrace the darkness, and explore your fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs. Use this phase to build a grid for inner healing (Shadow Work), transformation, and spiritual growth. 
This is not the time for magic and manifestation, but for rest, reflection and introspection. Create a protection grid for your meditations and shadow work. 

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