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What is Energy?

Have you ever walked into somewhere and for no apparent reason just wanted to walk straight back out and get the hell away from there? 

There’s a good chance that’s energy. 



It could be energy held residually; memories replayed from past historic events hidden beyond the veil, or simply energy left behind from someone who had been there projecting it outwards. The latter would normally be dense, heavy, oppressive energy that may repel a high-vibing soul such as yourself! With energy, similar frequencies are attracted, and opposites repelled.  You’ve heard the saying, ‘Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe.’ Well, true fact, it does. 


If you were to walk into a room where people were mid-fight it can be described as ‘like cutting the air with a knife’, and that’s the energy vibing; dense, angry, potentially even fearful, oppressive energy, this will most likely have you wanting to make a quick exit. You can enter somewhere with a calm atmosphere and the energy and soft high vibrations will soothe you and make you feel comfortable.  


Living souls, we all hold energy, ARE energy. Animals can sense it as we can sense theirs, but normally as they are such mindful little souls that have less of an internal dialogue so theirs is more finetuned and reliable, as it’s our instinct that senses vibrational changes, but even someone who is really not in touch with their instinct can sense ‘an atmosphere’. 

Hands holding a string of fairy lights

Energy and Manifestation

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe. Like attracts like, rage attracts rage, misery loves company, etc. These are all examples of how, spiritual or not, we understand the Laws of Attraction. The philosophy that you attract the energy you put out into the world and that your thoughts can influence the outcome, which is the entire basis of manifestation.  

Removing as much negativity from your mind as possible is also said to clear the space for more positivity. Reframing negative thoughts as much as you can, without crossing the boundary to the minefield of toxic positivity, as whatever the Laws of Positivity state, you also must allow yourself space to feel. Providing there is flux of thought, you aren’t ruminating or dwelling on sadness and understanding that emotions are not permanent, and they ebb and flow like the tide.  


It needs putting out there that living with anxiety and depression does not mean you are attracting similar, i.e. 'bringing it on yourself'. It is the hardest thing to raise your own vibes when you’re living with this condition and it’s important to recognise that anxious negative thoughts are just that, it doesn’t mean that if you are having a negative thought or belief – it will be manifested into being just because it’s on your mind. It will make you unhappy because it’s on your mind, but that’s it. It’s like when people speak of intuition, it can be a very difficult thing to fine tune the difference between instinct and anxiety, sometimes thoughts really are just that. Manifestation also takes work on your part, so if something negative is troubling your mind, unless you work to make that bad thing happen, it probably won’t? You won’t ‘will yourself poorly’, but worrying about your health won’t help your wellbeing. A positive mindset allows positive things to happen, you will feel brighter if you can reframe negative thoughts, but it must not cause you added anxiety. 


We must accept we all live in a constant state of flux, our vibrations change all the time; even the most ‘love and light’ of us can blow our stacks over seemingly small thing, if we were happy all the time we would stop recognising this fact, and in some ways it’s the downs that help us recognise the ups! It’s just important to curate a lifestyle where we have a toolkit to raise our own vibrations.  


This can be by creating little every day rituals dedicated to ourselves, using positive affirmations and journalling, gratitude, connecting to nature and the elements, rituals, also knowing how to center and ground our energy

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