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Beginner's Herbs for Witchery

Herbalism is an ancient practice, used for centuries to harness the power of nature's remedies and is at the heart of most witches’ craft.


Herbs have long been revered for their magical properties as they possess unique energies that can be harnessed to enhance spells and rituals.


One of the most powerful ways to harness the magical properties of herbs is through the creation of herbal tinctures, teas and balms. These remedies can be used to address a variety of physical, emotional ailments. 



Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any underlying illness, or take any medications need to seek medical advice before trying any kind of herbal treatment.

All information provided here is general guidance and not a substitute for medical advice. 

Herbs can be toxic and fatal in some cases, take extreme caution.


Image by Daiga Ellaby
lavender smoulder stick


Lavendula Angustifolia

Element Air

Planet Mercury

Lavender is my number one go-to herb, as the calming and soothing properties make it perfect for relaxation, and especially in healing spells and rituals.

It can also be used to enhance psychic abilities and promote restful sleep.


You can keep a bundle of dried lavender under your pillow for sweet dreams and to ward away any negative energy. I love to bake with lavender; especially crafting Lavender Sugar and baking Lavender Shortbread.

We also must not forget that Alice Hoffman says you should always plant lavender for luck.  


Lavender has healing qualities for the body, not just for the mind. It is said to lessen perimenopausal hot flushes, it's a brilliant skin tonic to treat spots, it has antifungal qualities, can promote hair growth, and can help lower blood pressure.

It really is one of Mother Nature's wonder herbs. 

Image by Zé Maria


Rosmarinus officinalis

Element Fire

Planet Sun


Rosemary is one of the most versatile herbs in a witch's garden. Mainly associated with cleansing and protective qualities, it is also my go to herb for memory enhancement and mental clarity.

It is the perfect addition to a sleep sachet to place under your pillow, along with lavender, to protect from nightmares.

Whether you burn it as an incense during meditation, add it to a bath, or use it in a spell, it's sure to cleanse your space. 

It will also replace most herbs you may be short of during a spell due to its versatility.


Rosemary oil is also hugely beneficial for hair. With its ability to increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair growth.


Make your own by gently diffusing a good handful of dried sprigs of rosemary in a carrier oil such as jojoba, around 200ml, for a month, before straining it. Add to scalp and hair lengths an hour or two before washing. Do this at least twice a week.

*Always seek medical advice before using herbs, especially if you have medical problems or are pregnant/breastfeeding.*


Salvia officinalis

Element Air

Planet Jupiter


Sage is the ultimate herb for spiritual cleansing and purification, an incredibly powerful herb that can help you clear negative energy from your surroundings, uplift your soul, and increase your focus.

Burning dried sage can cleanse energies from your home, altar or divination tools, not forgetting your crystals. It is important to stress here that it is best in the UK to use garden sage which is grown locally to you, as opposed to White Sage (Salvia apiana).


Sage has been used for centuries in many different cultures for its incredible properties. White sage grows naturally in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, often found along the coast of Southern California and in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. It is a sacred herb to several Indigenous communities, who use white sage in healing, for prayer and ceremonial purifying rituals known as 'smudging'. Unless you are part of these communities, you are not smudging, you are smoke cleansing which works just as well with garden sage. 

Image by Monika Grabkowska


Matricaria chamomilla

Element Water

Planet sun


Chamomile is a gentle herb, hence its watery element, that promotes relaxation and tranquillity.


It is often used in spells and rituals for peace and emotional healing.


Add chamomile to your love spells for a gentle touch, brew a cup of chamomile tea before bed to aid in restful sleep and dreamwork, and add to a dream pillow with lavender and valerian root to bring about a peaceful sleep.  


Thymus Vulgaris

Element Water

Planet Venus


Thyme is a versatile herb with a wide range of magical properties. It was regularly used as an incense in ancient Greek and Egyptian times due to its antimicrobial healing properties. 


It is associated with courage, strength, and protection. Knights used to be presented with a sprig of thyme for bravery as they set off into battle.


Use thyme in spells and rituals to boost your confidence or create a protective charm.


Thyme brewed as tea is helpful for settling upset stomachs, but I prefer to bake Thyme and Lemon Shortbread. Eat them for courage! 

Image by Anja Junghans



Element Air/Fire

Planet Mercury/Venus/Mars.  


Mint is a really versatile herb that is used for an absolute multitude of purposes, and also has a lot of conflicting information surrounding it. Take whichever information you align with when using it in your spells and rituals.

Mint stimulates the senses and promotes clarity. It can be used in spells and rituals for communication, divination, protection, love and mental focus. It also raises the vibration of your home by burning or growing on your kitchen windowsill.


I also love mint for money and luck spells. A mint oil floor wash brings abundance into the home, as does keeping a sprig of fresh mint on your altar. It also enhances your magical workings.


Mint is also a wonderful stomach ally, brew a pot of tea to settle queasy stomachs. 

Lemon Balm

Melissa Officinalis

Element Water

Planet The Moon.  


During the Middle Ages Lemon Balm was referred to as 'The Elixir of Life' by Swiss alchemist and herbalist, Paracelsus. He claimed drinking his elixir would make you immortal! I don't know about that, but it is a rather excellent magical ally.


It is a beautiful and versatile herb, and part of the mint family. It smells incredible when you grow it, and it so easy to grow in the UK. It also wards off insects that will damage your garden and attracts the good, such as bees and butterflies, hence it being known to repel the bad and attract the good. Use it plentifully in your love spells!

It can also be used in happiness, healing, anti anxiety, and connection spells. 


It has significant healing powers, especially used to calm both the mind and the digestive system in a fresh or dried tea. Its association with The Moon helps you achieve emotional balance and eases the pain of grief and heartbreak.


I would always recommend drinking a tea of lemon balm for this as opposed to burning it. But carrying a sprig as well will never hurt.



Artemisia Vulgaris

Element Earth

Planet Moon and Venus.  


Mugwort is ultimately the Goddess herb, the herb of beauty and self-love, the Divine Feminine. It is ruled by Venus and is a female powerhouse of uterine health and healing, from helping to regulate a woman's cycle, to aiding with the transition of menopause.  


Magically it has powers of connection when burned, smoked, or brewed in a tea (although may need a little sweetening, as it tastes very earthy).


It can help to aid lucid dreaming and psychic abilities due to its mind opening properties, often enhancing an altered state of consciousness.


I love to pick homegrown Mugwort under a full moon to dry out and use in spell work, teas and smoulder sticks. 



Element Air/Earth

Planet Venus


Whether Rose is a herb or not is a contentious issue. As it can be medicinal it can be classed as a herb but Rose is offically a shrub, but due to its huge health benefits how could I not include it? 

While we're talking about the Divine Feminine and herbs of self-love, rose would be right at the top, along with Mugwort to promote this. 

Rose petals and rosehips really are the principal addition to self-love baths, love spells, teas, bakes, and any kind of magic that requires a touch of Venusian, Taurean beauty, compassion, and love.  


Aside from love magic, roses are a wonderfully protective flower due to their high vibrational frequencies. They're a brilliant addition to your homemade smoulder sticks or just to burn as loose incense to cleanse and protect.

Image by Jason Leung
Image by Kat Furtak


Calendula Officinalis

Element Fire

Planet Sun

Calendula is a versatile herb of love, abundance and protection. 


It can be used in spells and rituals for attracting love, enhancing relationships, and promoting self-love. It is also a great addition to abundance spells. Calendula has the power of being a herb of the Sun, so is a perfect addition to luck and confidence spells too.


Add dried calendula petals to a love sachet or infuse them in oil for a magical massage. It is also another staple addition to a tea blend to help cleanse the aura of unwanted energies or trauma. 


It is probably best known as a skin oil and has so many healthy attributes for healing skin, soothing stretch marks and has great antimicrobial effects.


Infuse your own oil the same way as your rosemary oil. Leave from Lammas to Samhain and experience its magic. You can then also use this oil to make healing skin balms.

When working with herbs, it is important to remember that each herb has its own unique properties and energies. Take the time to research and understand the herbs you are working with before incorporating them into your spells and rituals. This will ensure that you are using the right herbs for your intended purpose and that you are working in harmony with their energies. 
In addition to researching the properties of herbs, it is also important to cultivate a relationship with the plants themselves. Spend time in nature, observe the plants and connect with their energies. Consider growing your own herb garden where you can nurture and care for the plants that will become the foundation of your magical practice. 
As you explore the world of herbalism, remember to approach it with an open mind, a sense of curiosity and extreme care. Herbs can be toxic, if not fatal, if you don't carefully research what you are working with. Trust your intuition and allow the plants to guide you on your journey, but take extreme caution especially if you are foraging in the wild. 




Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any underlying illness, or take any medications need to seek medical advice before trying any kind of herbal treatment.

All information provided here is general guidance and not a substitute for medical advice. 

Herbs can be toxic and fatal in some cases, take extreme caution.


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