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Image by Kaja Reichardt
Image by Kaja Reichardt
Image by Kaja Reichardt

Spring Equinox

March 21-22 Northern Hemisphere. (September Southern Hemisphere) 


Symbols: Fertility, Rabbits/Hares, Eggs, Seeds, Lambs.  


Colours: Pastel colours, yellow, green and white.  

purple crocus

Vernal equinox, two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length; also, either of the two points in the sky where the ecliptic (the Sun’s annual pathway) and the celestial equator intersect. In the Northern Hemisphere the vernal equinox falls about March 20 or 21, as the Sun crosses the celestial equator going north. 

The spring or vernal equinox is one of the two points of balance on the journey through the Wheel of the Year (the other being the autumnal equinox in September). Day and night are in equal lengths, light and dark. It is a celebration of the point at which the Sun is directly over the equator and the planet's northern hemisphere begins to tilt toward the Sun.


Spring is here! The hibernation of the cold, dark half which we encounter through the winter period is finally behind us. Imbolc gave us the promise of the fertile spring that has now arrived in gentle abundance. This is the time the light and dark are balanced, the shoots of new life have broken through the earth and are blooming. 

Nature has awakened. In the tree world Blackthorn and Cherry Plum herald the arrival of spring, being usually the first to blossom, and the hardy beauty of spring flowers are now lifting our spirits from every patch of land. The birds are nesting, migratory birds are beginning their long return to the north, and where we live in Lincolnshire, the fields will now be filled with glorious spring lambs. 


white hare and a tree

In modern times, the vernal or spring equinox is known to some Wiccans and Pagans as Ostara. Ostara is the Germanic Goddess of spring and dawn and there are several different folkloric tales that surround her, including this one: 


Ostara was the goddess of all new things: the dawn, and spring, and the new growth that came with them. Though she slept through the winter months, when she awoke, the world awoke with her.  

However, one year, Ostara overslept, and winter lingered longer than it usually did. As she walked through the snowy world, trying to rouse it from its wintry rest, she came across a sparrow on the ground. The bird was young, hardly more than a fledgling, and hatched while the world was still too cold for it to thrive. The poor thing was nearly frozen to death by the time Ostara found her. Knowing her delay in arrival had caused this misfortune, Ostara gently lifted the bird in her hands, blew her warm breath over the feathers, and cradled the bird to her breast.  


Much to the goddess’s delight, the little bird slowly revived as she warmed up. In further apology, Ostara granted her new feathered friend eternal life, and gave her a perch on her shoulder. Together, they continued through the world, bringing spring in their wake, flowers blooming and animals frolicking around them. This would continue for many long years, with the little bird as Ostara’s beloved companion.  


Now, every year, once spring had sprung, Ostara would host a grand festival in a meadow to celebrate. Animals and children from all around would gather there, bearing gifts to the goddess as tokens of their happiness and gratitude.  


One year, the day before the festival, a white hare by the name of Jack pondered what gift he would bring. Alas, he was poor, barely able to feed himself, let alone present anything of much value that would be fit for the Goddess of Spring. But, as he foraged for something to eat, he found an egg in the grass. This, he thought, could work as a gift for Ostara, for eggs symbolized birth and springtime. Excitedly, he decorated the egg with designs and colours made from flowers, sealing it with beeswax so it was shiny.  


The next day, he presented it to Ostara. She smiled in delight, proudly displaying it among the gifts received, knowing that it was a great act of unselfishness for the hare to give her the egg, given his poverty. The little sparrow was also very impressed with the hare. Ostara decided to offer the hare a reward: he would rise to be king among the hares, no longer impoverished, and could continue to make his pretty decorated eggs to be delivered to children in the springtime. Jack Hare was very grateful for this blessing.  


In the years to follow, as part of his gratitude, not only did Jack, now king of the hares, make his pretty eggs, but he also would lead his fellow hares in drumming and dancing to help wake and welcome Ostara every spring. He grew confident and bold, and where Ostara was fondly amused by his antics, the little sparrow with her looked upon him with love and warbled a sweet song for the hare. This surprised the goddess, and while bittersweet that she was no longer highest in the sparrow’s affections, she did not want to see her friend pained by pining. She gently placed a kiss upon the top of the sparrow’s head and transformed her into a beautiful white hare herself so that she and Jack might be together. With a nuzzle of twitchy noses, the two hares bounded off into the distance, and Ostara went on her own way, until she returned to sleep as spring became summer.  


When spring came again the next year and Ostara awoke, she was sad, for she missed her sparrow friend. Spring came slowly in her grief until she came upon many hares dancing in the fields. When they saw her, the hares bowed and made way, leading her to the center where Jack and the former sparrow’s nest was. Inside were a half-dozen eggs, but they didn’t look like Jack’s pretty coloured eggs. Ostara was puzzled at first, as hares did not typically lay eggs, but then one began to hatch, and out came a pretty white baby leveret. Ostara was amazed and cuddled the newborn hare before placing her back at her mother’s feet, for it was the former sparrow’s child with Jack. She had kept her ability to lay eggs. Ostara and the hares all danced in celebration as springtime bloomed all around them.  


But it was not to last. After some time, word got out that Jack was not faithful to his mate.  This saddened Ostara, angered on behalf of her friend that had once been a sparrow. In her fury over his infidelity, Ostara grabbed Jack by the very ears and cast him up into the very heavens. There, he landed at the starry feet of the hunter Orion, where he became the constellation Lepus. Despite Jack’s affairs and the punishment bestowed by the goddess, the former sparrow grieved the loss of her mate. Seeing her tears, Ostara’s heart softened, and she granted one last favour: that once each year, following the first full moon of the first day of spring, Jack would be permitted to return to Earth to colour his pretty eggs and gift them to the children of the world. And he still does to this day.  

THE END! Kimberly Baker 


I’m being deliberately non-committal when referring to the name Ostara as it is a VERY contentious subject. It is a more modern name for a very old festival. Whatever you choose to call it is your business! Don’t let the haters call you out for either... 

Ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox

Yule was our time for hunkering down in reflective hibernation. Keeping warm and nourished indoors and fuelling our fires from within. Imbolc saw the spark return. The crescent moon in which we could dream and plan the seeds of our year's intentions. The equinox is the time for balanced action, the moon in its first quarter.  


It's the time to grow the ideas which came forward at Imbolc. The goals you wanted to strive for, this is the time to push forward with those plans. Do the work now for your manifestations to be ready to harvest towards the late summer months. 


It’s the time to freshen up your home, garden (and life)! 


Are the cobwebs of winter settled in the corners of your rooms? 


If there is stagnation, it’s time to throw open the windows, get the long-handled duster out and refresh the energy of your home. Clean away the decay of winter and bring new life to the indoors. I used this cleansing spray at Imbolc, it’s also great to use now.  

broomstick leaning up against a tree

Ritual Besom Sweep


A besom sweep is also a powerful magical aid for ritual cleansing, both physically and spiritually. You can either cleanse places like your sacred space or altar top – sprinkle a pinch on and sweep with a mini besom (one with fine bristles works best), or sprinkle on your floor, at your door thresholds or around the boundary of your home.  

*Be aware of nature when you are sprinkling outdoors, don’t use salt. Be aware of pets and children when sprinkling anywhere! Herbs may be toxic if ingested and must be cleared up completely. * 


You can use:

Salt - purification 

Dried citrus peel – cleansing  

Cloves – protection (works well against gossip too) 

Lavender – protection and peace 

Hyssop – cleanse and protect, also good for breaking a streak of bad luck 

Bay leaves – brings prosperity, also good for wishes 

Rose petals – for love and harmony within the house 

Rosemary – purification, also for wisdom and focus 

Chamomile – reduces anger and tension, brings peace to the home, also attracts abundance 

You can add baking soda as a good natural carpet/floor cleanser, but it can block vacuum cleaners so be cautious.  


If you don’t have all these then use what you do have! You don’t need to go and buy a load of things that you won't use, your intention is your most powerful tool. 


Grind together the ingredients you choose to use a little, it doesn’t have to be completely fine, you could even leave it as it is - it's your choice. 


Sprinkle intentionally! Bless your house and all that dwell within it as you scatter it around. Call in abundance and luck to your home. Ask that it is filled with love.

Sweep this around in a clockwise motion as you bless your home with good.

When you are done, sweep in an anticlockwise motion to dispel negativity and remove anything you don’t wish to remain. 

If you don’t have a besom to sweep away just use a dustpan and brush. You can vacuum it up also (this works better on carpeted areas) but be careful it doesn’t block your vacuum cleaner or filter. 

Do this whenever you feel you need a magical cleanse to clear away negativity, and call-in luck, love, peace and abundance to your home. It will also smell beautiful and have antimicrobial properties to cleanse.

*Check your carpets and hard floors are safe with the ingredients. Always be mindful or children and pets*

Spring Equinox

hot cross buns and a mug of tea

“Pagans worshipped Eostre, the goddess of dawn and spring. As spring arrived, the pagans would celebrate a month long festival of the transitioning time from winter entering into spring. This festival saw the Saxons making buns marked with a cross, which represented the four phases of the moon, to offer to the goddess. Eostre” 


Hot Cross Buns - Paul Hollywood


For the buns


For the cross

For the glaze

  • 3tbsp apricot jam


  • STEP 1

    Bring 300ml full-fat milk to the boil, then remove from the heat and add 50g butter. Leave to cool until it reaches hand temperature. Put 500g strong bread flour, 1 tsp salt, 75g caster sugar and 7g sachet fast-action or easy-blend yeast into a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour in the warm milk and butter mixture, then add 1 beaten egg. Using a wooden spoon, mix well, then bring everything together with your hands until you have a sticky dough.

  • STEP 2

    Tip on to a lightly floured surface and knead by holding the dough with one hand and stretching it with the heal of the other hand, then folding it back on itself. Repeat for 5 mins until smooth and elastic. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with oiled cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hr or until doubled in size and a finger pressed into it leaves a dent.

  • STEP 3

    With the dough still in the bowl, tip in 75g sultanas, 50g mixed peel, zest of 1 orange, 1 finely chopped apple, ground cinnamon and mixed spice. Knead into the dough, making sure everything is well distributed. Leave to rise for 1 hr more, or until doubled in size, again covered by some well-oiled cling film to stop the dough getting a crust.

  • STEP 4

    Divide the dough into 15 even pieces (about 75g per piece). Roll each piece into a smooth ball on a lightly floured work surface. Arrange the buns on one or two baking trays lined with parchment, leaving enough space for the dough to expand. Cover (but don’t wrap) with more oiled cling film, or a clean tea towel, then set aside to prove for 1 hr more.

  • STEP 5

    Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix 75g plain flour with about 5 tbsp water to make the paste for the cross – add the water 1 tbsp at a time, so you add just enough for a thick paste. Spoon into a piping bag with a small nozzle. Pipe a line along each row of buns, then repeat in the other direction to create crosses. Bake for 18-20 mins on the middle shelf of the oven, until golden brown. If you're using two trays the lower tray may need a minute or more than the top level tray.

  • STEP 6

    Gently heat 3 tbsp apricot jam to melt, then sieve to get rid of any chunks. While the jam is still warm, brush over the top of the warm buns and leave to cool.



If hot cross buns aren't your thing, you could try this Vegan carrot cake  or make some egg-based dishes and desserts like Nutmeg custard tart

Is your life feeling balanced?

painted eggs in a bowl

The spring equinox falls straight into the fiery sign of Aries, but as much as you may feel ready to take the ram by the horns and charge forward like the Knight of Wands, this is a time for action, but a more balanced action. Think of introducing a little Temperance to this during this period. 


Spending time in nature is the perfect way to immerse yourself in spring and bring some balance and peace into your life. The beauty of becoming aware of the changes and feeling the earth awakening around you.  


If you’re feeling creative there are lots of egg-based activities to try such as dyeing and painting eggs, also Japanese style Washi eggs if you’re feeling adventurous. 

Here's how to make natural egg dyes


As equinoxes focus on balance, this is a great time to practise meditation and journalling with a focus on checking the balance within your life. Black and white candle for balance. 

Are there areas in your life that you feel are taking more of your time and energy? 

Is there a way to bring more balance to this? 

Is there something you would like to focus on for your own self-care or personal development? What is blocking you from doing this? How can you break these barriers down? 

What is one thing you can say no to right now, that will free up some time or headspace for you? 

Are you eating to fuel yourself well? Are you getting all the water and nutrients you need to feel well? 

Wellness bath

You could make some bath salts for balance and self-care 

2 cups pink Himalayan salts 

2 cups Epsom salt 

2tbsp baking soda 

Dried lavender 

Dried rose petals 

10 drops lavender oil 

10 drops rose geranium oil 

You can grind these in a food processor or with a pestle and mortar to make them easier to dissolve. 

Add to your bath water, foot soak or shower and soak for at least 20 minutes to feel the effects. 

You can store these for in a clean, dry glass jar for up to 6 months. 

*Do not use without medical advice if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have any health conditions.*

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